KeyShot Network Rendering

Speed up your renders.

 What is Network Rendering?

KeyShot Network Rendering allows you to take advantage of your network’s computer resources to render images, animations, and KeyShotXR’s. After the simple installation process, any user with KeyShot can send a “job” to be rendered on the network. The jobs are organised into a queue, that all users can view. Jobs can also be sent from the internal KeyShot Queue, to KeyShot Network Rendering.

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 How Does It Work?


Master, Slave & Queue

KeyShot Network Rendering consists of three elements: Master, Slave, and Queue. The Master manages all of the connected network resources. The Slave does the actual rendering. The Queue shows the jobs that have been submitted to the network rendering system, by each Slave.

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After the job is submitted, the Queue can be closed or disconnected from the network without affecting the jobs. The increased rendering speed depends on how many KeyShot network rendering cores you have on the network. A virtual core/thread will count as a physical core and is subject to the Network Rendering license’s core limit. For example, an 18 core (36 thread) machine will be calculated as 36 cores by the Network Rendering application.

 Key Features

+ Master/Slave System

KeyShot install not required on slave system

+ Network Render Queue

Render jobs can be submitted by everyone

+ User Manager

Allows user accounts to be managed over jobs in queue

+ Automatic Slave Enlistment

Detected through Master by network packets

+ Unlimited Slave Support

With any number of CPU cores (physical/virtual)

+ Slave Scheduling

Scheduled enabled slave usage on for set times

+ Job Prioritisation

Queue allows jobs to be added and reprioritised

+ Automatic Slave Enlistment

Detected through Master by network packets

+ Easy Install & Adminstration

Simply install, and follow the instructions

How Many Cores Do I Need?

 Whether you need 32 cores to increase the speed of your smaller rendering processes, 256 cores, or more to bring in the ultimate rendering power to your design process. KeyShot Network Rendering has been designed to be scalable to users of all sizes and to cut down the time it takes to create renderings and animations.

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Note: A virtual core/thread will count as a physical core and is subject to the Network Rendering license’s core limit. For example, an 18 core (36 thread) machine will be calculated as 36 cores by the Network Rendering application. Should you require more than 256 cores, simply purchase additional units until they add up to your final core count.


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KeyShot Network Rendering